Neurodiversity, what is it and why is it important

Among children, diagnoses such as Autism, ADHD and Dyslexia are becoming more and more prevalent. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 54 kids are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. This represents a large proportion of the population who often feel ‘abnormal’ within society. 

Neurodiversity, What is it?

Neurodiversity is a concept that recognises neurological variations within the human brain are an indisputable feature of the human population. This seeks to reframe neurological differences as being healthy variations, ultimately aiming to eliminate the stigma associated with these diagnoses. 

A neurodiverse approach has these fundamental principles; 

  1. Neurodiversity is a natural variation within the human genome. 

  2. The idea of a ‘normal’ brain or mind is a culturally constructed concept entrenched in society rather than the individual. 

  3. Recognises the need for facilitation of human diversity by providing adequate support systems to neurodivergent individuals. 

What is Neurodivergent?

A neurodivergent refers to a person whose brain functions differently from the majority. This includes a number of neurological conditions including; Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyspraxia and Dyslexia.

Why being neurodiverse is important! 

Understanding that being neurodiverse is not ‘abnormal’ but simply a healthy variation within the human brain is beneficial to both parents and child. Being neurodiverse can de-stigmatise different types of brain functionality, encouraging children to celebrate their differences, rather than fear it. Providing a positive framework for children allows them to think about their neurodiversity in a positive way, resulting in improved self-esteem, confidence and resilience.

Watch video on neurodiversity


N. Walter. (2014, December 3). Neurotypical Psychotherapists and Neurodivergent Clients. Neurocosmopolitanism.

M. Bennie. (2016, April 12). What is Neurodiversity? Autism Awareness Center Inc.


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